
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Vanguard Printing LLC is now #3 on Google! Awesome? I think YES!

That's Right!  You can find Vanguard on the 1st page of Google when you're searching for a printer.  Looking to start your own magazine?  Do you need to print your Novel?? We have your back :)  E-mail us with your vision and we will help you make it a reality.  info@vanguardprintingllc.com

Monday, May 21, 2012


The U.S. Postal Service announced plans to move ahead with a modified plan to consolidate its network of 461 mail processing locations in phases. The first phase of activities will result in up to 140 consolidations through February of 2013. Unless the circumstances of the Postal Service change in the interim, a second and final phase of 89 consolidations is currently scheduled to begin in February of 2014.

 "We simply do not have the mail volumes to justify the size and capacity of our current mail processing network. To return to long-term profitability and financial stability while keeping mail affordable, we must match our network to the anticipated workload," said Patrick R. Donahoe, Postmaster General and CEO of the Postal Service. 

These consolidating activities will reduce the size of the Postal Service workforce by approximately 13,000 employees and, when fully implemented, will generate cost reductions of approximately $1.2 billion annually.  

Source: Company Press Release

If you have any more Question related to this change and how it affects your Vanguard Experience...  Please contact your Vanguard Printing LLC Customer Service Representative or email us at info@vanguardprintingllc.com

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you worked with us?

Hello Dedicated Readers,
Vanguard would like to know who has worked with us before?  Did you enjoy your experience at Vanguard Printing LLC?  If so, we would love the opportunity for you to recommend us on LinkedIn.  If you follow THIS LINK, it will take you to our LinkedIn Profile where you can write a recommendation for us.

We just want a quick paragraph or even a sentence saying how your experience at Vanguard was.  This gives us the chance to build up our reputation through Social Media. 

Thank you so much for your support!